What Makes Random Forest Special in the Machine Learning Model

Machine Learning Model

There is no one best approach to choose a model for machine learning. Some individuals excel with large data sets, while others excel with high-dimensional data. Thus, verifying the model’s applicability to your data is crucial. This article will introduce the random forest model and examine its pros and cons in real-world circumstances. Additionally, we would want to recommend other methods for performing tasks.

Exactly what does this “Random Forest” consist of?

At each node, random forests divide based on a separate set of features, making them a kind of bagged decision tree model. Given the length of that phrase, let’s examine a single decision tree, then discuss bagged decision trees, and then introduce splitting based on a completely arbitrary selection of features. That ought to clear things up a bit.

Now random forest is based on the bagging algorithm and employs the Ensemble Learning technique. As many trees as feasible are generated on the chosen data collection, and then their individual outputs are combined. It achieves this by reducing the possibility of decision trees suffering from the overfitting problem. The variance is also reduced, which is good since it means the accuracy increases.

  • It is possible to employ the Random Forest method for both classification and regression problems.
  • The Random Forest method can efficiently process either continuous or categorical data.
  • Random Forest can automatically deal with missing data.

No scaling of features is required. Random Forest does not need any feature scaling (including normalisation and standardisation) since it uses a rule-based approach rather than a distance calculation.

Deals efficiently with non-linear parameters: A Random Forest’s efficiency is unaffected by non-linear parameter values, in contrast to curve-based algorithms. Therefore, Random Forest may outperform conventional curve-based algorithms in cases when there is substantial non-linearity between the independent variables.

Random Forest can automatically deal with missing data

When it comes to dealing with outliers, Random Forest is usually extremely robust and can handle it on its own.

The Random Forest approach is reliable in most cases. A single additional data point will not drastically alter the algorithm’s overall performance. This is because it is very improbable that all trees will be affected by the new data, even if it may affect one tree.

When compared to other models, the Random Forest model is far more forgiving of background noise.

When it comes to supervised learning algorithms, the random forest technique ranks among the most effective and popular. It facilitates the quick removal of useless data from massive databases. Perhaps the biggest advantage of adopting Random forest is that it relies on amassing many decision trees to arrive at any solution.

This approach is an ensemble method, which means it incorporates results from many related or unrelated classification techniques.


Overfitting the data becomes more likely as you refine your dataset and go further into the Decision Tree. As a consequence of the simplicity of Decision Tree, this problem is solved by Random Forest, which offers you Accuracy by Randomness. You should be aware of this.