When to Consider IVF Treatment: Signs It Might Be Right for You 

Do you remember those childhood days, when we asked our parents where babies come from? And now you’re all grown up and ready to learn the process. 

But this journey is not the same for all the couples. Some couples are losing hope as they realize they can’t get pregnant. They are facing a problem while traditionally planning a baby. The world is changing and shifting towards the modern era. Nowadays couples seek medical help from professionals to get pregnant. 

One of The common treatments doctors suggest is IVF (In vitro Fertilization). In the IVF procedure, a woman’s eggs are removed from her body and then fertilized with sperm in the ART lab. When fertilized, they develop into embryos outside the uterus. 

After that, the small embryos are then replaced again inside the womb of the woman. IVF proved to be the wonder aid for most childless couples. If you’re interested, continue reading to delve into this topic!

Understanding Fertility and Infertility


Infertility makes getting pregnant difficult, despite trying really hard. Period irregularities, pelvic pain, or hormonal fluctuations are possible side effects. Sometimes, diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis can cause havoc with hopes of having children. It feels like your body is encountering an obstacle on the way to becoming a parent.


Fertility is the ability to have children. If a woman can’t get pregnant after a year of trying without birth control, she may be infertile and should see a doctor to find out why.

A. Fertility Signs:

  1. Menstrual cycle regularity
  2. Changes in cervical mucus consistency
  3. Basal body temperature fluctuations
  4. Cervical position changes
  5. Ovulation predictor kit results

B. Common Signs of Infertility:

  1. Irregular menstrual cycles
  2. Chronic pelvic pain
  3. Hormonal imbalances
  4. Abnormalities in cervical mucus
  5. Endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis

When to Consider IVF Treatment

Struggling to Have a Baby

After a few months of unsuccessful attempts at getting pregnant, you may be considering medical input. This help may possibly include things like interventions such as IVF – or “in vitro fertilization”. The IVF measure might be a thought on the off chance that you have been attempting to imagine for a year or more and it is not taking a shot at.

Age and Getting Pregnant

age makes lots of difference for you if you want to have a baby. Particularly, for a female when it comes to getting pregnant. As the female gets old, the problem arises in conceiving due to the lack of good quality eggs in her body. 

Ideally, if a female is aged beyond 35 and has tried unsuccessfully to get conceived for a period of 6 months, or she is 40 years old and has tried too many times but failed, IVF to conceive might be a good option for her.

Health Issues

Some causes of infertility are medical, including PCOS, endometriosis, other problems with the womb, or blockages of the tubes that connect the womb and the ovaries. In these situations, IVF will help the doctors address the problem directly, and during IVF the eggs are fertilized in a laboratory.

Worries About Genes

For instance, IVF provides an opportunity to attempt for children if you or your partner have health issues that might be passed on to the child. In theory, physicians could screen the embryos to ensure that no health issues are inherited before putting them into the womb. This is known as prenatal testing.

Problems with Ovulation

Women can also have irregular egg release, so IVF helps to stimulate egg production: then the eggs can be removed, fertilized, and reinserted into the womb.

Issues with Sperm

Sometimes, it’s the man who has trouble making a baby because of issues with the sperm. IVF can help by directly injecting a healthy sperm into an egg.

Trouble with Tubes

If the tubes that carry the egg to the womb are blocked or damaged, it can stop a pregnancy from happening. IVF gets around this problem by putting the fertilized egg directly into the womb.

Not Knowing Why

Sometimes, even after checking everything, doctors can’t figure out why it’s hard to get pregnant. IVF can still help in these cases by giving another way to have a baby.

Problems with Miscarriages

In cases where a couple has experienced several losses, in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be helpful in reducing the likelihood of future miscarriages by screening the embryos before implantation to ensure they are healthy.

The IVF Treatment Process in Six Steps

When you meet with the doctor, there are four main parts:

  1. First Talk: You will discuss the medical histories of both you and your partner. It’s critical to have integrity. The physician will next recommend an IVF protocol that may be suitable for you.
  2. Having a Check-Up: To determine the cause of the problem, the physician will do various tests. They may also advise you on the necessity of taking certain medications.
  3. Costs: The doctor will tell you how much everything will cost.
  4. You’ll need to do some tests to prepare. These tests include:
  • Blood tests
  • Checking the man’s sperm
  • Ultrasound
  • Checking for diseases
  • Checking the uterus
  1. These tests will help the doctor understand why you’re having trouble getting pregnant.
  2. Get Psychological Counseling: You’ll receive support and guidance to help cope with the emotional aspects of IVF treatment. This is important because it addresses the stress and uncertainty often experienced during the IVF process, promoting overall well-being and mental health during this challenging time.

Now, let’s go through with IVF Process steps:

  1. Boost Egg Production

You’ll be given a special fertility injection to make your body produce more eggs than usual. Doctors will keep an eye on your ovaries and hormones with ultrasounds and blood tests.

  1. Remove Eggs

Just before the eggs are ready, you’ll get a shot to help them mature fast. Then, in a small procedure under sedation, the eggs are taken out using a thin needle guided by ultrasound. You might get some medicine to prevent pain, and any discomfort usually goes away quickly.

  1. Get Sperm

Your partner gives a sperm sample, or you can choose to use donor sperm. The healthiest sperm are separated from the rest.

  1. Combine Sperm and Eggs

The best sperm is mixed with your best eggs, or sometimes the sperm is injected directly into the egg. This is called insemination or ICSI.

  1. Put Embryos in the Uterus

Once your eggs are gathered, you’ll receive additional medication to ready your uterus for the embryos. The embryos are carefully placed into your uterus using a small tube a few days after conception. You undergo this while awake at the physician’s office. 

Sometimes more than one embryo is put in, hoping at least one will start growing. Later, a pregnancy test will tell if IVF worked.

IVF Treatment Options

Natural IVF:

  • With this option, doctors don’t use many medicines to help the ovaries produce eggs.
  • It’s a good choice for people who can’t or don’t want to take a lot of fertility drugs.
  • Doctors use the egg that the body naturally makes during the monthly cycle.
  • Cancellation of cycle chances are more, hence less preferred.

Stimulation IVF:

  • This type of IVF uses fewer medicines compared to traditional IVF.
  • It’s helpful for those who want to avoid strong medications or have health conditions that make taking lots of drugs risky.
  • The goal is to gently stimulate the ovaries to produce a few eggs, rather than a lot.

Consider IVF As a Path to Parenthood 

Selecting to do in vitro fertilization is like the choice to begin a family. Priority should be given to the availability of a medical team throughout this period and therefore, think about your mental and body health.

In case you are considering getting an IVF treatment done, some things must be looked at. Seek advice from experts who understand your needs. One reputable option is Motherhood Hospital, an IVF treatment center in Ahmedabad known for its care and expertise in IVF treatment for pregnancy. 

Consider reaching out to them for assistance and advice as you prepare to embark on this journey, towards parenthood.